
A City Ticket todo list, with a hyperlocal list of known issues being dealt with by the municipality, along with their location and estimated date of completion.

City Tickets

Pay-and-display parking ticket machines are an example of an intensely technological piece of infrastructure. This project explores how we can use these ubiquitous and expensive boxes to make cities more responsive to the needs of those who live in them, and proposes a service through which ticket machines become a communication channel between citizens and their local authorities.

Reusing existing urban infrastructure, to do more.


left to right: a city-ticket todo list; a city ticket report form; the reverse, showing a hyperlocal map.


A City Ticket report form being filled out with a local non-urgent issue.


Each existing machine already includes a vast array of technology, to the tune of about $11000 each. Why *not* do more with it?


A City Ticket report form, ready for filling out.

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