Benjamin Bratton
Benjamin H. Bratton is a sociological, media, and design theorist. He
is Associate Professor of Visual Arts at the University of California,
San Diego and Director of the Design Policy Program at the California
Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology. Benjamin is
the former Director of the Advanced Strategies Group at Yahoo!, and
taught at UCLA and SCI_Arc for many years. His work sits at the
intersections of contemporary social & political theory,
computational media & infrastructure, and architectural and urban
design problems & methodologies. Among his most recent writings,
"The Logistics of Habitable Circulation," (Semiotext(e)/MIT Press);
“Suspicious Images/ Latent Images” (with Natalie Jeremijenko); and
"IPhone City" in the Digital Urbanism issue of AD: Architectural
Design. Bratton has published widely, from AD and Volume to HCI:
Interactions and Theory, Culture and Society, and has been a visiting
lecturer an