Alessandra Ponte
Alessandra Ponte is full professor at the École d’architecture,
Université de Montréal. She has taught history and theory of
architecture and landscape at Pratt Institute (New York), Princeton
University, Cornell University, Instituto Universitario di Architettura
(Venice), and ETH (Zurich). She has written articles and essays in
numerous international publications, published a volume on Richard Payne
Knight and the Eighteenth century Picturesque (Paris, 2000) and
co-edited, with Antoine Picon, a collection of papers on architecture
and the sciences (New York 2003). For the last four year she is been
responsible for the conception and organization of the Phyllis Lambert
Seminar, a series colloquia on contemporary architectural topics. She
organized the exhibition Total Environment: Montreal 1965-1975 (Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, 2009) and recently collaborated to the exhibition and co-edited the catalogue of God &Co: François Dallegret Beyond the Bubble
(London: Architectural Association, 2011). She is currently completing a
series of investigations on North American landscapes for her
forthcoming book Maps and Territories (2012).