
Dirt Collage - interpreting raw matter into a schematic diagram of a landslide prone landscape.

GROUNDING: Landslide Mitigation Housing

The earth’s dynamism is anticipated in a proposed distribution of dwellings along one of California’s countless erosion-prone slopes, Palos Verdes Peninsula —protecting threatened settlements below as a landslide mitigation mechanism. The houses tether themselves to the slopes using soil-nailing technologies, then rotate, dip and pivot in response to slope movement. As the soil slips, the house slows down the process through its distortion. A history of geophysical activity is mapped to the topography over time by the visible displacement among units within the development.

Selecting sites of intervention comes from an analysis of a landslide inventory map. Certain areas of landslide activity within Palos Verdes Peninsula are currently closed to any future development or building alterations. These areas will become sites for deployment of the new GROUNDING vessels.


Site Plan of unit locations within active areas of ground movement and nearby endangered settlements.


Hillside perspective of landslide mitigation housing units.


Kinetic Floorplan and performative characteristics.


Time-Lapse of unit and site morphologies.


Sections through a typical unit.


Juxtaposition of the houses' spatial conditions provide feedback as to what type of soil transformation is occurring.



Construction techniques for deployment of landslide mitigation units.


Morphologies of mass movement were analyzed in terms of their behavioral characteristics.


The ways in which statically conceived architecture fails gives clues as to new types adaptive building techniques.

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